Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday, July 16

This morning Kayla lead devotions from Psalms 130: 3 -5 which led to the discussion about living our life for Christ and the praise for the forgiveness He provides!

Al, Scott, Dan and Jared went to Pastor Alfredo to work on construction. They were there all day accomplishing much for the church and the pastor. There is no power in the location so working is difficult (thank you for the generator FCC!) and they have no running water unless delivered to the tank…The guys worked on house plumbing, restroom, remodel on a neighbor’s house and framing for the church. Amazing heat, lots of water and a lot of sweat. What a fabulous blessing!

At Pastor Alejandro’s service Wednesday, a group of ladies invited our team to share VBS in their neighborhood that is located far from the church. So the rest of the team spent the morning doing that. We pulled up to a dry, hot, little shade space. Once we began our team shared three stories through skit – Daniel in the lion’s den; Jonah and the whale; and, the Good Samaritan.

We served fresh watermelon and water then ended with piñata. Always a treat for kid! They wanted to play soccer but it was too hot!

We left for Pastor Alejandro’s church to have lunch, rest and cool off a bit. When we arrived, Pastor Alejandro had the hose running and cooled our feet off outside. Then he brought the hose off and began watering the wall’s and cement floor. It was amazing how great that felt. By the time we left for the VBS it felt like a sauna in the church…

Pastor Jose took many from the team around the area to invite the children to the VBS to start at 3 pm. Our team had flyers to give out while Jose invited. About 3:30 kids started arriving and by 4 we had probably 60 people.

Games, watermelon and water and a piñata were on the agenda again. Josh, Brett and Ryan shared their testimony after the skits and did a great job. They stepped up to the plate and volunteered! Tomorrow the rest of the team will be sharing their testimonies.

Of course the fun and games are great but the real reason is to share the gift of Christ. We pray we are doing that in our actions, deeds and most importantly in the words conveyed. Pastor Jose and Alfredo shared and we pray the Lord opened eyes!
We ended the day getting back a bit earlier to enjoy the pool then a team meeting debriefing the day with lights out around 9:30.

Keep us in your prayers and pray for tomorrow as we conduct two more VBS sessions in the morning and afternoon.

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